Actors and Acting
- 210 Movie Monologues to Transcribe
- A Truly Democratic Union: SAG
- About SAG
- Acting (Scott Rogers Studios)
- Acting Auditions Definition
- Acting Coach
- Acting Lessons
- Acting on Film, Michael Caine Pt I
- Acting on Film, Michael Caine pt. II
- Acting Schools
- Acting, one definition
- Action! The Moment before...
- Actors and Unions
- Actors are...
- actors, unions and the future
- Actors: Learning from the Masters. Inside Actors Studio
- AFI Top 100 Films
- AFI Top 100 Lists
- Agent Interview
- Agents and Good Practice
- Agents due only commissions, not fees
- Agents in Nevada
- Agents: an Evening With
- Allan Rich, actor
- Archetypes
- Audition Etiquette
- Audition of the Day Website
- Auditioning for Teens
- Auditioning: 15 Tips for Actors
- Auditioning: checklist before audition
- Auditioning: Cold Reading (Scott Rogers)
- Auditioning: Do Not Pay!
- Auditioning: Gary Schaffer advice
- Auditioning: Know your Colors
- Auditioning: Tools
- Auditions are free, never pay to be seen
- Auditions: local theater auditions
- Auditions: Self-Taping Advice
- Audtioning Basics
- Awards 2010 / Academy
- Background Casting in Nevada
- Background Extras
- Background Talent Glossary (Showbiz Extras)
- Basic Audition Notes
- Basow and Associates Talent Agency, LV
- Become a professional actor
- Blog home page
- Bob Bergan Bio (Voice Over)
- Bob Bergan's Cool Voice Over Links
- Books to refer to
- Breaking down a scene, intro and overview
- Career and Life, SAG LifeRaft
- Casting Calls
- Casting Companies in Nevada
- Casting Director Advice: Joe Reich
- Casting Director interviews from Obsethed
- Casting Director Interviews from Obsethed
- Casting Director Ken Lazer
- Casting Director Workshops
- Casting Directors
- Casting Directors Seminars Pt II
- Casting Directors Workshops
- Casting Directors/ Agents/ others video interviews
- Casting Directors: Casting Call Interviews
- Casting Mafia
- Casting Mafia
- Casting Outside Hollywood
- Casting Web Sites
- Casting: 12 things to ponder
- Casting: how to get started in Nevada
- Casting: Ken Lazer CD
- Casting: Lori Openden and Marcia Shulman
- Character Development (primer)
- Commercial Casting: Danny Goldman
- Commit to the craft
- Community Theater, the role of
- Creating a Character Instantly: One View
- Dam Short Film Festival
- Directory: Agents, CD's, Actors, other
- Domestic Run-A-Way Production
- DP/30 Industry Interviews
- Emmy 2010 Winners
- Emmy Nominations 2010
- Entertainment Unions
- Equity
- Equity and Las Vegas Professional Theater
- FiCoe Dues Paying Non Members
- Film Industry Resources
- Film Maker and Actor Resources
- Getting Started in Acting
- Glossary and Talent Guide (draft thesis)
- Glossary for Background (also see below)
- Glossary for Performers (also see below)
- Headshot Critique Thoughts
- Headshots 101
- Indicating, bad acting?
- Industry Links Nevada Film Alliance
- Inside the Actors Studio (full length and segments)
- inside the Actors Studio pt I
- Interviewing
- Kids Acting
- Kids Biz
- Kids: SAG resources for Young Performers
- Landing an Agent
- Las Vegas Agency Exclusivity
- Las Vegas Theater Directory
- Lesson from Joe Bernard
- Listen to Each Other: Robert Duvall
- Live up to the standard: Ray Favero
- Living Theater Forming
- Managers are...
- Marketing for Actors
- Mobisodes and Webisodes
- Monologue: Choosing for the Audition
- Monologues (Why Sanity.net)
- Monologues: Introduction and Concept
- Motion Capture / Performance Caputure
- Movies to Watch and Study
- NEVADA background casting
- Nevada: the truth about the market
- Norwin Corbin, story teller
- On actors, acting and union
- Paul Newman Inside the Actors Studio
- Performance Capture
- Performance Capture and Planet of the Apes
- Photographers
- Photos and Auditioning: Mary Lee Lear
- Rainbow Company
- Reality TV on The Business
- Resume
- Resume Builder
- Resume Credits
- Resume Language
- Resume Speak for Roles Played
- Resume: Creating Your Resume
- SAG Cost too much
- SAG Eligible
- SAG Lifetime Achievement Award Winners
- SAG TV Seminars and More
- SAG, how to join
- SAG: Melissa Gilbert on SAG, poltiics and Merger
- Screen Actors Guild Educational Videos
- Script Breakdown, Getting Started
- Should I do theater
- Show Fax POV
- Stunts:Danny Aiello III (D3): Rescue Me: Danny Does Danger video
- Submitting: Getting into the Mix
- Talent Agents (SAG Nevada, 9/14/09)
- Talent Agents, What are
- Talent is a Responsiblity
- Theater (legit) directory for Las Vegas
- There are no actors in Nevada: Bill Dance
- Tony Award Winners 2010
- TV Director Alan Berman
- Union links and information
- Various Internet links for scripts and more
- Vegas has no talent
- Voice Acting and Hollywood
- Voice Over Basics
- Voice Over Interview: Dave Sabastian
- Wegner Herzog, advice from a master
- Why join SAG?
- Why the movies moved west
- Your choice
A New Union: SAG-AFTRA

“An actor is an actor is an actor — on television, stage or radio. The divisions of representation hurt and weaken us, allowing us to be divided, and giving us each smaller pools for insurance and pensions. It’s past time that we come together and hammer out the difficulties of a merger, rather than letting them prevent us.” — Peter Coyote
Top Links
- Acting Classes
- Agents
- Art Lynch's home website
- Art's Communication blog
- ATC Vegas Theatre Forum
- Background Casting
- Casting
- Inside the Actors Studio
- Joining SAG-AFTRA
- Las Vegas Theatres and Venues
- Media Links
- Porcelainbomb.com (alterative Vegas Art)
- Resume Guide
- Screen Actors Guild/ AFTRA
- VIP's
- Who is Art Lynch

Hot Media Links
- Acting and Media Twitter Feed
- Acting Audition Google Lists
- Arts Las Vegas Media Sources
- ATC Theatre Forum Las Vegas
- Backstage Film, TV, Theatre
- Backstage on Facebook
- Backstage/SAG Foundation Interviews
- BroadwayWorld.Com (Movies)
- Callbacknews.com
- Casting Call (films)
- Casting Call Entertainment Facebook
- Company Town: LA Times
- Craigslist Las Vegas Talent
- David Anthony Casting Facebook
- Film Friends LV Facebook
- Got Publicity
- Hollywood Reporter
- Hollywood.com
- Industry Media Links
- LA Times Entertainment
- LA Times Hero Complex blog
- Las Vegas Theatre Chat
- Local Resources for SAG Talent
- LV Theatre Reviews: Facebook Source
- Meet Up Casting Calls
- Midnight Refrain (various)
- Nevada Film Alliance
- Obsethed (Casting Directors)
- On location casting
- Porcelainbomb.com
- rikdeskin's official blog
- Saavy Actor
- SAG Facebook
- SAG Foundation Liferaft
- SAG Indie (breakdowns)
- Scott's Acting Tips
- Showfax POV
- stage 32
- The Wrap
- Theater Forum links
- THR Facebook
- THR Labor Watch
- Variety
- Variety Twitter Site
- Vegas Auditions (paid membership based)
- Vegas theatre Connection
- Vegas Voice RJ Blogs
- VIP's Las Vegas
- Vulture
- Wildstreak Entertainment Calls
Nevada Theatre
- 2010-2011 Theater Season links
- 2011 Las Vegas Review Journal Theatre Reviews
- 2011-2012 Theatre Season links
- 30 years of Las Vegas Theatre
- ACTVegas Theater Chat
- Artist Alliance (Facebook LV)
- Arts Links local theatre & the arts
- British National Theater
- Broadway Bound Youth Theatre
- Broadway in the Hood
- Brorn and Raised Productions
- Butcher Block Productions
- Calabo Youth Theatre
- Chaos Theatre
- Cockroach Theater
- CSN Arts Calendar: PAC only
- CSN Performing Arts Center, NLV
- Dancers, crews and other entertainment jobs
- Insurgo Theatre Mlovement
- Ira Aldridge Theater
- Jade Productions
- Jewish Repatory Theatre
- Las Vegas Academy
- Las Vegas Little Theater
- Las Vegas Little Theatre 2011-2012
- Las Vegas Shakespeare Company
- Las Vegas Theater Directory
- Living Theater
- LV Shakespeare Company (Facebook)
- LVLT Black Box Theatre 2011-2012
- Mesquite Community Theatre
- Nevada Conservatory Theater UNLV 2010-2011
- Nevada Conservatory Theatre UNLV 2011-2012
- Off Strip Productions
- Philip Shelburne Productions
- Poor Richard's Players
- PS Productions
- Rag Tag Entertainment
- Rainbow Company
- Rainbow Company Youth Theatre
- Sanders Winery
- Signature Productions
- Slave of the Muse Productions
- Smith Center
- South Valley Community Theatre
- Stagedoor LV
- Starbright Thatre, Smmerlain
- Super Summer Theatre
- Super Summer Theatre Facebook
- Talkin' Broadway All That Chat
- The Actors Group - Reno
- Theater in the Valley, Henderson (Facebook)
- Theatre 7
- Theatre and Dance Venues
- Theatre Student Collective
- Utah Shakespearian Festival
- Vegas Wunderground
- Venue links (partial)
Union Stregth, the Arts Gain, Quality Professional Talent, SAG-AFTRA

Full SAG-AFTRA Merger Plan Links
Thank you Amy Aquino for your support in returning Art Lynch to the SAG National Board of Directors
Art Lynch is a friend,
a respected colleague
and fierce representative
for the Nevada Branch
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