Join Us for SAG Awards Viewing
The 17th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards will be held on January 30 at 5 p.m. Pacific, and the SAG Nevada Branch is throwing a gala viewing party to watch the live broadcast at Tommy Rocker’s! Tommy Rocker’s is (again) giving us happy hour food and beverage prices, so why not come join us for food, fun and camaraderie instead of watching it at home? Please join your SAG Nevada Branch brothers and sisters as we watch our fellow Guild members on the SAG Awards show.Only active, paid-up SAG Nevada members, plus one guest, may attend. Please e-mail Branch Executive Director Steve Clinton at sclinton@sag.org or call (702) 737-8818, option 3, to reserve your spot or ask questions you may have about the event. Tommy Rocker’s Mojave Beach Bar & Grill is located at 4275 Dean Martin Dr., Las Vegas, NV 89103.
As always, we will need volunteers to help make the event another success. If you’d like to help, contact SAG Nevada Branch President Barbara Grant at nevadapresident@sag.org.
Sign up at http://sagawardsRSVP.org for info on studio screenings. Most are in Los Angeles and New York.
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