Tuesday, January 25, 2011

SAG NV Branch Gala Viewing Party

SAG NV Branch is throwing a Gala Viewing Party to watch the LIVE broadcast of the 17th Annual SAG Awards on Jan 30, 2011 at 5pm (Pacific Time) at Tommy Rocker’s - the same place we held the WILDLY successful SAG Holiday Mixer 2010! Tommy Rockers is (again) giving us Happy Hour Food & Beverage prices, so why not come join us for food, fun and camaraderie. “What good is sitting alone in your room? Come here the music play.”

Chris Rogers is Chair (again) for this event. So if you came to the Holiday Mixer (and even if you didn’t), please join us for the Awards Show.

SSSSh, Super Secret Info: Our Branch will be mentioned during the Broadcast!

Only ACTIVE/PAID UP SAG NV Branch members (and 1 guest) can vote/and/or attend. If you haven’t RSVP’d yet for the event, please email your:

·     SAG Name·     

SAG ID#·     

Name of Guest 

to sclinton@sag.org  

or call 702.513.1520

Saturday, January 15, 2011

More films available for SAG Members on iTunes

Additional titles (and technical support) have been added to the SAG Awards web site for SAG members.

http://www.sagawards.org/voting for information on how SAG members can watch and evaluate this year's nominees and how to vote on-line.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

SAG Awards Party Open to the Public, January 30, 5 to 9 PM

sag awards

Join Us for SAG Awards Viewing

The 17th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards will be held on January 30 at 5 p.m. Pacific, and the SAG Nevada Branch is throwing a gala viewing party to watch the live broadcast at Tommy Rocker’s! Tommy Rocker’s is (again) giving us happy hour food and beverage prices, so why not come join us for food, fun and camaraderie instead of watching it at home? Please join your SAG Nevada Branch brothers and sisters as we watch our fellow Guild members on the SAG Awards show.

Only active, paid-up SAG Nevada members, plus one guest, may attend. Please e-mail Branch Executive Director Steve Clinton at sclinton@sag.org or call (702) 737-8818, option 3, to reserve your spot or ask questions you may have about the event.  Tommy Rocker’s Mojave Beach Bar & Grill is located at 4275 Dean Martin Dr., Las Vegas, NV  89103.

As always, we will need volunteers to help make the event another success.  If you’d like to help, contact SAG Nevada Branch President Barbara Grant at nevadapresident@sag.org.

Sign up at http://sagawardsRSVP.org for info on studio screenings. Most are in Los Angeles and New York.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Updates on events (such as the upcoming SAG Awards party), letters from council members and updates from officers are included, along with other articles for actors.

It is only available by e-mail to SAG members or for the public using the following link to the Nevada SAG Website:


As editor I am interested in your feedback and, if you are a Nevada SAG member, articles or photos (with captions) for consideration for future newsletters. Feel free to contact me at art.lynch@artlynch.org

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


SAG Indie has a free casting board of union signatory low budget and independent films. Check this board frequently. While most are in Los Angeles, the list is national and international in scope. Link also located in the right hand column as SAGINDIE.


SAG Nevada helps with low budget and Indie production in Nevada and San Diego



Nevada SAG Branch
Screen Actors Guild San Diego and Nevada Branch. The Nevada office can also assist you with work in San Diego.


c/o Steve Clinton, Nevada Executive Director

3960 Howard Hughes Pkwy, Ste. 500

Las Vegas, NV 89169
Phone: (702) 737-8818

Toll-Free: (800) SAG-0767

Fax: (702) 933-9118
Phone: (702) 737-8818