SAG NV Branch is throwing a Gala Viewing Party to watch the LIVE broadcast of the 17th Annual SAG Awards on Jan 30, 2011 at 5pm (Pacific Time) at Tommy Rocker’s - the same place we held the WILDLY successful SAG Holiday Mixer 2010! Tommy Rockers is (again) giving us Happy Hour Food & Beverage prices, so why not come join us for food, fun and camaraderie. “What good is sitting alone in your room? Come here the music play.”
Chris Rogers is Chair (again) for this event. So if you came to the Holiday Mixer (and even if you didn’t), please join us for the Awards Show.
SSSSh, Super Secret Info: Our Branch will be mentioned during the Broadcast!
Only ACTIVE/PAID UP SAG NV Branch members (and 1 guest) can vote/and/or attend. If you haven’t RSVP’d yet for the event, please email your:
· SAG Name·
Name of Guest
or call 702.513.1520